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August Newsletter  2017


Becoming A Church Member: Who Are We?


I’m beginning a series of articles on becoming a church member written especially for those who might be interested in joining us. Please feel free to share them. I’ll begin with the basic question, who are we?



Our signature prayer begins “Our Father” not “My Father” which means we’re a “We” not just a bunch of individuals. But are we like a club or a corporation? Are we like a family or a nation? What do “we” mean by church?



It must be admitted right from the start differences exist. We’re part of the Lutheran movement which means we are “catholic evangelicals” (or evangelical catholics) an odd mixture of the two main groups that call themselves church.



As Catholics “We” are a sacramental community where church is “real” when people gather to share the bread and wine of the Lord’s Supper, the water of baptism, and even lesser sacraments such as the sign of the cross.



As Evangelicals “We” are a community of prayer, praise, and proclamation where church means we pray for ourselves but also for nations (rulers and peoples) and all creation, where we praise God often in uplifting song, and where we listen to the proclamation of God’s Word in carefully thought out sermons and Bible study.



These are two different ways of defining “church” which “We” who call ourselves Lutheran hold together. It’s why we emphasize both the proclamation of God’s Word AND the celebration of the sacraments. Both are important for our understanding of church.



However, there is an even more basic definition that I believe all Christians can agree on---even if it is not our preferred definition. All can agree that “We” are a community with a message. What the church lives for is not a constitution and bylaws, not even the golden rule or the Sermon On the Mount – but a message called good news.



I grant you it took along time to work this out. (It includes all 66 books of the Bible!) It involves complex questions like who is the God of Israel? How is this God we hear about different from all the other candidate gods?



And to get to the main thing, what does it mean to say that this God raised the servant Jesus from the dead? And what does it mean to say we are a community founded on this good news called the gospel where we follow the teaching and example of Jesus who God raised from the dead?



I will be continuing this series in upcoming newsletters, however, if you are thinking about becoming a member of Deerfield Lutheran email me or call 608-764-5566. I hold face-to-face inquirer’s classes to explore these questions with all potential new members.


Pastor Larry




(Brad will be spraying those mosquitoes away!)


The Stewardship Committee from Deerfield Lutheran Church will be hosting monthly Fellowship Fires. On the first Saturday of each month, from 5:30-8:00, you are all invited to join us. Bring your own hot dogs, s'mores and lawn games at the DLC fire pit. This is not just a “church” event; we are extending the invitation to the community as well. We plan to have our guitarists or other musicians providing some music!


So mark your calendars for August 5 and weather permitting, October 7! Bring a lawn game if you have one. Grab some hot dogs and s'more fixings, a roasting stick and invite a friend or two and join us at the Fellowship Fire! Hope to see you Saturday, July 1st!











 Church bake sale: Thank you to all who brought bake goods for our first bake sale. The next sale will be announced for a Saturday in AUGUST 26th. Check facebook, website and your emails for more details.


Deerfield Lutheran will be hosting our next bake sale booth at the Deerfield Farmer's Market on Saturday, August 26 from 8 AM to 12 Noon. (These fundraisers are one of the ideas that came out of our long range/short term planning discussions.)



Please sign up on the sign-up sheet in the Narthex if you can provide a baked item to sell on August 26 - or if you would like to help work at our booth. Baked items can be brought to church the day before and put in the upstairs kitchen - or delivered to our booth early Saturday morning, August 26 If any questions, please contact Darlene Thorstad at or (608) 764-5347.





Jen Lees and Jenn Brattlie (“the Jenn’s”) will be stepping down from leading Sunday School activities and moving their focus to the KAIR group along with continuing efforts around our Youth Led Worship services. They will also lead the 1stcommunion instruction for 4th graders this year.  We are in need of someone(s) to take over the oversight for Sunday School. Please contact Jen Lees at if you are interested in taking on this awesome job or if you are able to teach Sunday School this year in any capacity. Guidance and assistance will be given for as long as needed or desired. They aren’t jumping ship, just shifting responsibilities as their own children get older. The viability and future success of our Sunday School program depends on our volunteers – you do not have to have kids in Sunday School. This presents a great opportunity for high school students to build their resume or maybe develop a senior project. If we cannot find someone to take over coordination for Sunday School we will not be able to offer this opportunity for our young ones.



10:30 am   Sunday, Sept 10

Thanks to all who joined us in June for our first youth led contemporary service. We've received a lot of good feedback and would welcome any ideas for future services. Our next service will be on September 10th.  If your child or family would like to participate please email Jennifer Lees at






Lutheran Church


Phone: 608-764-5566




Sunday:  9:00 am

Wednesday:  6:00 pm


Sunday School

Sunday:  10:15 am during school year


Middle School Group: K.A.I.R.

(Kids Active In Religion),


High School Group: D-LOGs

(Deerfield Lutheran Outreach Group)

(see Calendar for meetings)


Deerfield Lutheran Choir


Handbell Choir

 (see Calendar for rehearsal times)


Office Hours

9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Monday - Friday



Larry Sexe - Pastor

Home Phone: 608-764-3129



Angie Williams - Secretary

Hours: 9am-12pm, Tu, Th, Fr


Office Phone: 608-764-5566


Jackie Hansen - Financial Secretary



Lois Anderson – Organist Emeritus


Jane Holland – Accompanist


Patricia Cook - Accompanist


Angie Williams - Accompanist &

Deerfield Lutheran Choir Director


Jeff Quamme - Handbell Choir Director


Donna & Jerry Schultz - Custodians


Angie Williams - Webmaster

Do you want to become a part of this fun group of volunteers as they teach our children about their faith?

Youth Update


Our next Youth Led Contemporary Service will be held on September 10th at 10:30 with an ice cream fellowship to follow.  We WILL NOT have a service in August.  If your children or families would like to participate in this service, please let Jen Lees know.  This service may act as a Kick Off to Sunday School, assuming we have volunteers to coordinate Sunday School efforts for our kids this year.


We are also planning a Youth Group gathering/cookout for the end of August for kids Grades 6-12 to plan and talk about the year ahead, get a list of ideas together for events, topics of discussion and volunteer opportunities.  Please email Jen Lees if you would like your child(ren) included in our activities and discussions.  

Wednesday Movie Nights In August


Our Wednesday night movies on the theme "Truth" will continue in August.  We meet at 6:30 pm in the Ed Unit outside Pastor's study with fresh popcorn and bottled water.  Feel free to suggest movies. Check out our Deerfield Lutheran Church ELCA Facebook page to find out what we will be showing. Movies and refreshments are FREE.

If you would be willing to provide special music during worship, please talk to Jane Holland or email her at

Mentors Needed!

If you are interested in being a Confirmation Mentor for one of our 9th Grade students contact Pastor Larry at or call the office at 764‑5566. 

New Website links to Daily Devotionals:  As we continue to construct our church website, check out the  new links for daily devotionals. Go to the Study and Devotions main page. From here you can find various daily devotional sites for your use to help you in your daily walk with Jesus.   Let us know how you like them. Here is a brief description of these sites:


Our Daily Bread Devotionals: This site has various resources you can connect to which will help you in your daily spiritual journey.  Their mission is “to make the life-changing wisdom of the Bible understandable and accessible to all.”  You can listen, watch or read the various devotional resources. Try it out and let us know how you like it! “READ. STUDY.  GROW. Connect with God Daily.”


Daily Devotions from Max Lucado AND  Max Lucado Upwords Devotional is a popular daily Bible devotion. This devotional “offers wisdom and insight for applying Biblical truths to the ups and downs of everyday life. Max Lucado is a preacher with a storyteller’s gift—a pastor’s heart and a poet’s pen.” 


Wisdom from the Psalms daily devotional with Bible verses uses the Psalms “offering wisdom and insight for applying Biblical truths to the ups and downs of everyday life.”


Daily Living for Seniors devotional from Senior Living Ministries is a popular daily Bible devotion


REMEMBER to check out what is going on at the National ELCA website or our South Central Synod website by clicking on the link from the home page.  Don’t forget to click on the Facebook site for  more pictures and up-to-date events and messages. (FYI: anyone can go to the Facebook site without being part of Facebook)


PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY: Is there someone you know who needs the warmth and love of a prayer shawl or lap-robe?  Let Phyllis Rude, Debbie Sexe or the church office know. Remember this ministry can be none by you as you crochet, knit, quilt or donate money for the yarns that are used. There are patterns available in the narthex to get you started!T next crocheting and knitting time will be held on July 2and 16 at noon so you can learn how to knit or crochet and help us with this ministry! The Shawl Ministry is an important  ministry showing love, comfort and hope to those in our community. All are welcome to come

There is yarn available in Arlene's corner located at the top of the stairs by the lift.

CALLING PHOTOGRAPHS: Activities at the church go on continually. Take your phone or camera and snap a picture so that we can share what is happening on Facebook, on the screen in the narthex, on our website and put in our photo-archives. Please send them to or to


Do you have any church notices that you would like posted on the church website, Facebook or in the Independent?  Please send them to 


Are you in the KNOW? Keep up to date on the happenings at Deerfield Lutheran through the weekly bulletins, monthly Echo, Facebook, Website, and talking to others members.


There are many ways for you to care for others  by sharing Christ’s love

WHAT YOU CAN DO TO BE “THE HANDS AND FEET FOR CHRIST” HERE AT DEERFIELD LUTHERAN! There are many opportunities! Get involved with our expanding Community Garden. There is planting, weeding, watering, and harvesting that can be done. Make it a Family Affair! There will be opportunities to help at concessions stands sponsored by the DLC beginning with the Ragnar Relay Friday, June 9th as well as other times throughout the summer. Will you be available to help with VBS? Let us know so you can be part of this fun activity!

There are many ways for you to care for other by sharing Christ’s love...


This is the Church

We often wonder what the church is; why do people bother with it!  Our confirmation students and mentors last year drew two pictures of the church: one group drew the building and the other group drew all the people.  Many people see the church as a place to have Faith Milestones “taken care of”: baptism, Sunday School, First Communion, Confirmation, Marriage, Funerals. Others see the church as a place you only attend on  festival occasions like Easter and Christmas. But for others, it’s the place where we gather weekly for worship, the place where friendships are developed, where we give and receive, comfort, caring, and love in order to go out into the world to share Christ’s love with others!


Deerfield Lutheran Church at it’s best is caring, compassionate, concerned, loving.  As members and even nonmembers face health issues, loss, or stressful times or times of celebration, it is the members of our church who reach out with casseroles, warm homemade bread, cards, emails, calls, visits and lots and lots of hugs! This is the church.  The television preachers cannot do this nor do many larger churches because they do not know who their members are, but here at Deerfield Lutheran, we know and care about each other.  So, THANK  YOU  for being the church and the Hands and Feet of Christ to those in our community and beyond. This is truly what Deerfield Lutheran Church is all about:


“Called in worship to care for others by sharing Christ’s love!

Challenge Fund..

The Matthew 14:16-21Fund is growing as contributions come in to match the “challenge pledges” – totaling $10,000 – that were announced earlier. Participating in the challenge are: Marge Peters, Barb Schultz, Jerry Brown, Ellie Fochs, Deb & Jeff Halverson, Darcy & Brad Schenkel, Judy & Greg Storms, Sue & Steve Neath, Darlene Thorstad and Mary & Arlie Turnquist. By the end of June, $6,000 of this has already been received.


During May and June, close to $2,500 has been contributed by: Phyllis Rude, Sharon & Dick Berge, Pat & Larry Chua, Jae & Barry Mulhall, Beverly & Pogo Dahl, Laura & John Connor, Dorothy Tomaszewski and Michelle & Daryl Moe to match the challenge.


This one-time special Fund for donations above and beyond one’s regular giving, has been established to reduce DLC’s 2017 deficit so the reserve fund is not depleted. A full “match” would bring the Fund to $20,000 – which is approximately the size of our shortfall last year. We are a quarter of the way to that target. Special envelopes are available for your gift, or you may simply designate that it is for the Matthew 14 Fund. Our progress, and the names of contributors, is displayed in the narthex and on our website. The goal is that the challenge pledges are fully matched by September 1.


Jesus said to them … you give them (the crowds) something to eat. They replied, “We have nothing here but five loaves and two fish.”… he looked up to heaven, and blessed and broke the loaves…And all ate and were filled; and they took up what was left over… twelve baskets full.

FELLOWSHIP HOUR: A heartfelt thank you to all who have hosted a Coffee Fellowship at Deerfield Lutheran in June. Everyone is cordially invited for refreshments before and after worship in the narthex. If you would like to volunteer to bring Fellowship treats, see the sign up sheet on the Opportunities Board in the narthex.  Stay and visit!   It is a time to get to catch up with your neighbors and to meet new people. Thank you to Roberta Fry who sets up the coffee and lemonade each week.

Thank You


Thank you to all of the people in your congregation for your recent donation to the MALC Jail Ministry. The generous support of congregations like yours makes it possible for the men and women incarcerated in the Dane County jail to receive spiritual care and pastoral support.


Blessings to you, Executive Committee and staff of the MALC Jail Ministry


Micaela  Schultz to share about her African Mission

August 13th




Hello! As most people know I went to Tanzania for two months this spring to volunteer and teach at a local school. While I was there I did a lot of fun things on my bucket list! On August 13th, I will be giving a presentation all about my time, what I learned, and why I think it is a great idea to do volunteer work! Come and join the fun! Learn a song in Swahili, learn a couple phrases, and the best part... EAT FOOD. - Micaela Schultz 

Lutherdale 31st Annual Quilt Auction


Lutherdale will be holding its annual quilt auction on Saturday, August 12. Doors open at 8 am, bidding starts at 10 am. There will be over 300 quilts to bid on. There will also be silent auction items, food concessions, door prizes, fresh baked goods and pies, crafts, honey, fabric sale, and pontoon rides on the lake. N7891 US Hwy 12, Elkhorn, WI. for more info.




We are pleased to share that the Stewardship Committee will be hosting monthly, fellowship fires beginning in May. On the first Saturday of each month, at 5:30, you are invited to join us for hot dogs, s'mores and lawn games at the DLC fire pit. This is not just a “church” event; we are extending the invitation to the community as well. Maybe we can even talk our guitarists into providing us some music!

So mark your calendars for August 5 and weather permitting, October 7! Bring a lawn game if you have one. Grab some hot dogs and s'more fixins, a roasting stick and invite a friend or two and join us at the fellowship fire!



School Supply Collection

Outreach Committee is collecting school supplies of all sorts beginning immediately thru the first week of September. There is a basket in the Narthex marked SCHOOL SUPPLIES. These supplies will be delivered to the Community Center for appropriate distribution. Also needed are ANY TYPE OF KIDS' CLOTHING WITH DEERFIELD DEMONS ON CLOTHING.

CROP Walk September 17th

Mark your calendars today.  Our annual Fall CROP walk will be Sunday, September 17th from 10 am til 2 pm. Walk 1, 3, or 5 miles on our own Drumlin trail to raise dollars and awareness to overcome poverty both locally and globally.  25% of all dollars raised goes to the Deerfield Community Center Food Pantry.  The other 75% can be designated to the global relief agency of your choice.  Contact Pastor Larry at to receive more information or if you'd like to volunteer to help with the walk.


As we, the members of Deerfield Lutheran, continue the conversation about the future of our church, the topic of stewardship is one of the priorities. We can all consider how we share our time, talents and possessions.


Please see the enclosed updated form which you can use to set up Automatic giving through your bank. Automatic Transfer offerings are a convenient method of giving regularly throughout each year. If you choose to set up electronic giving without using this form, be sure to inform the church office or Jackie Hansen. This is necessary in order for your contributions to be recorded in your account for end of year tax statements. Thrivent members can call the office for a form or pick one up in the Narthex to set this up as well.


Thank You to those already giving electronically!


…to friends and family of Don Boldt



Thank You…


…to all who have recently provided fellowship treats

…to Jackie Hansen for preaching on July 2nd

…to Melissa Owens’ dad for the boxes of cookies to be shared during Fellowship.


FELLOWSHIP: Stay and visit! Everyone is cordially invited for refreshments before and after worship in the narthex. If you would like to volunteer to bring Fellowship treats, see the sign up sheet on the Opportunities Board in the narthex. A heartfelt thank you to all who have hosted a Coffee Fellowship at Deerfield Lutheran in April. Thank you to Roberta Fry who sets up the coffee and lemonade each week.



Special Events 

See More Details Inside Newsletter


Sunday Worship with Communion 9:00am


Wednesday Worship 6:00pm


Saturday,  August 5~ 5:30pm Fellowship Bonfire


Tuesday,  August 9~ 6:00pm Council Meeting


Wednesday, August 2, 9, 16 ,23, 30~ 6:30pm Movie Night

in Ed Unit


August 12, 8 am Lutherdale Quilt Auction


August 26- 8 am DLC Bake Sale



Men’s Breakfast


Thursdays, August 3 and 17 - 8:00am at Family Restaurant, Cambridge










Aug 6– Sam Fisher & Nicole Rothe

Aug 13– Michelle Krueger & Darcy Schenkel

Aug 20– Barb Schultz & Arlyn Turnquist

Aug 27– Jim & Jackie Hansen

Sept 3– Sam Fisher & Jill Ammann


Summer Ushers

Please sign up in the Narthex for Sundays you are available in the coming months. Thank You to all who serve as Ushers!



Deadline for the September 2017 ECHO:

 9 am Thursday, August 22d

Drop off copy-ready announcements, notices of upcoming events, articles and reports at the church office or e-mail them to Please include your contact information in case of questions. Articles submitted after the deadline will be printed in the following month’s Echo or, if dated, will be put in the Sunday bulletin.


DLC Website

Also see info at Facebook - Deerfield Lutheran Church ELCA

Call 608-764-5566 or email questions to or




Acolytes, Readers, Lay Assistants, Greeters, Communion Servers - please contact Angie at or 764-5566 if you know of dates you prefer to serve during the year. This would help greatly with the job of scheduling. Ushers can contact Dave Lemke at 764-5206. Also please inform the office of a substitute if you are not available as scheduled.


Everyone, please keep in mind, there is always training available for new additions to the rotation.


Additional volunteers are welcomed!



Call 608-764-5566 or email


· You have a change of home address, phone number or email address.

            **especially if you no longer have a “land line”**

· A member of your family is admitted to the hospital.

· Your committee or group plans a meeting or cancels a meeting.

· A new baby arrives in your family.

· A death occurs in your family.

· You or a member of your family leaves home for college.

· You or a family member is graduating from high school/college.

· You have a prayer request for worship.

· You need transportation to worship or any other church event.

· You have a prayer request for the “Prayer Chain”.



Tuesday, July 11th, 2017 at 6:00 p.m.

  • Approved Minutes from May meeting.

  • Treasurer’s Report

    • Approved June Treasurer’s Report.

  • Pastor’s Report

    • Movie nights begin this Wednesday July 12th at 6:30 pm (following 6 pm worship).  I'll be providing free popcorn and bottled water for everyone.  The movies we'll be watching this summer have the overarching theme of truth.  We begin with The Truman Show.

    • For anyone who is interested, I'm doing a Bible study at 8:00 am on Sundays prior to worship.  We meet in my study. Currently we are working our way through Genesis.

    • New Members - I have families who are planning to join (or rejoin) DLC as well a couple new families who have been worshiping with us quite regularly.  At this time I've decided to wait until Fall to receive new members, so if you know someone who is interested in joining our congregation or simply learning more about the Christian Faith and our faith practices, please have them contact me.  I can arrange classes at various times to meet their needs.

    • Deb and I were able to spend time with family over the week that including July 4th.  Thank you to Jackie Hansen who preached at the 9 am service and the Jens and Jane who facilitated the youth led worship! 

  • Old Business

    • Hiring for Secretary Position: Council approved hiring of Angie Williams. She started the last week May, 2017.

  • Education & Youth and Family

    • Need someone to take over Sunday School Organization starting in Fall.

    • VBS went great. Better than anticipated.  Average of 25 kids in attendance.

    • For older kids, do a gathering once a month or every other.  Every other month, do some sort of community service or volunteering activity.

    • Contemporary Youth/Family service went well in June, but was under-attended in July (4th of July weekend).

    • Thinking about doing a kickball tournament (fun day) in town to help use up some of the food from Ragnar.


  • Fellowship

    • Website is up and running and the calendar can be updated by those needing to add to the schedule and it will show on the calendar online.  Still working on how to accept donations/contributions through the website.

    • Newsletter is up on the website with photographs.

    • Knitting group will still meet every other Sunday if there is interest.

  • Short Range/Long Range Planning

    • Matthew 14 Fund suggested at a meeting by Mary Turnquist. Came up with $10,000 as an initial pledged funds. Currently $2,540 has been received in matching funds.

    • Ragnar Relay Food Service – profit of approximately $241.00.

    • Bake Sale held – profit of $183.00.

    • Creating ads in the bulletin.

    • Brent Brattlie found a snow plow volunteer for the church to save on costs.

    • Significant increase in automatic giving – at 19 people currently. Overall increase in giving so far.

      • Outreach

  • Start talking about a fall cleaning day again. Look at areas that need some attention/updating/cleaning.

  • Finance

    • Approved an update to the signers listed on current bank accounts.

    • New Money Market account will be established to hold the Garden grant money to keep separate for tracking and reporting purposes.

    • Finance Committee meeting scheduled for July 18th at 6:30pm.

  • Stewardship

    • We have another 5th Sunday in December.  Another group can be added for this Sunday.

    • Fellowship fires have been a little under-attended since the first night.  Still seeing some turnout though.


Next Meeting:

Council Meeting: Tuesday, August 8th, 2017 at 6:00pm.


Church Council Meeting Summary

Submitted By:  Nicole Rothe


Please Note:  This meeting summary is not intended to represent or replace meeting minutes. It is a general summary of the meeting to convey information to congregation members prior to the official approval of the minutes.


…to friends and family of Don Boldt



Thank You…


…to all who have recently provided fellowship treats

…to Jackie Hansen for preaching on July 2nd

…to Melissa Owens’ dad for the boxes of cookies to be shared during Fellowship.

WORSHIP ASSISTANTS August 6 - September 3,  2017

Deerfield Cares

This group of ordinary citizens meets every third Thursday from 5:30 - 6:30 pm

at Deerfield Lutheran Church.


We share information about underage drinking, heroin and prescription drug abuse, and what we can do as a community to respond in positive ways. We are fortunate to have folks with expertise in these areas as well as reps from local government, school, law enforcement, churches and service organizations as well as concerned parents.



The Deerfield Food Pantry serves all Deerfield School District Residents.  Families may now use the pantry weekly. To use the pantry photo ID & a bill sent to your address within the past 30 days must be provided.


Deerfield Food Pantry is open each month on the 2nd Sat. (9-11AM), the 4th Thurs. (6-8PM) and EVERY Wed. (12:30-2:30PM). Please take a look at our schedule for specific dates-there may be changes from the regular schedule because of holidays.


DCC is always accepting donations. Donations can be dropped off Mon-Fri between 9:00 AM and 5:00PM. Please be sure to check expiration dates before donating.  Donations of any kind are appreciated! For more information contact Julie Schwenn, Pantry Coordinator at or 764-5935





The Deerfield Community Center coordinates the RSVP Driver Escort Program in our area. RSVP’s Driver Escort Service responds to the transportation needs of Dane County’s older adult residents (60 years and older) who do not have access to other transportation resources such as bus, van, family and friends. The service is provided by volunteers from the local community/area who use their own vehicle to drive and escort passengers. Call 764-5935 for more information. You can also call 608-238-7787 to find out how to volunteer in other ways through RSVP Dane County


COLONIAL CLUB MEAL DRIVERS: Help deliver meals to homebound seniors in Northeast Dane County. This may be the only balanced, nutritious meal someone may be the only balanced, nutritious meal someone may get for the day & the only time the homebound senior has socialization.  Volunteers need their own car, proof of insurance & at least an hour of time to deliver meals. Call Diana O'Donnell Price  608-837-4611 x120.

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