President - Jeff Halverson
President Elect/Finance - Jennifer Lees
Council Secretary - Trish Borgrud
Council Treasurer
Tammy Ament
Education Committee - Chelsea Strauss
Fellowship committee - Marcia Meyer
Outreach Committee - Jerry Brown
Property Committee - Greg Storms
Worship & Music Committee
Darlene Thorstad - darlenet104@gmail.com
Susie Neath - sneath54@gmail.com
Audit Committee
Endowment Committee
Skaalen Home Delegate
Madison Area Lutheran Council
(Jail Ministry)
Lutherdale Delegates
This is the Church
We often wonder what the church is; why do people bother with it! Our confirmation students and mentors last year drew two pictures of the church: one group drew the building and the other group drew all the people. Many people see the church as a place to have Faith Milestones “taken care of”: baptism, Sunday School, First Communion, Confirmation, Marriage, Funerals. Others see the church as a place you only attend on festival occasions like Easter and Christmas. But for others, it’s the place where we gather weekly for worship, the place where friendships are developed, where we give and receive, comfort, caring, and love in order to go out into the world to share Christ’s love with others!
Deerfield Lutheran Church at it’s best is caring, compassionate, concerned, loving. As members and even nonmembers face health issues, loss, or stressful times or times of celebration, it is the members of our church who reach out with casseroles, warm homemade bread, cards, emails, calls, visits and lots and lots of hugs! This is the church. The television preachers cannot do this nor do many larger churches because they do not know who their members are, but here at Deerfield Lutheran, we know and care about each other. So, THANK YOU for being the church and the Hands and Feet of Christ to those in our community and beyond. This is truly what Deerfield Lutheran Church is all about:
“Called in worship to care for others by sharing Christ’s love!”