In recent years, the most intensive and exciting “caring” opportunities have involved week-long (or ten-day) mission trips by youth and adults. The experience requires extensive preparation and fund-raising, diligent collection of supplies and donations to be taken for the people to be served, complete travel arrangements, exhaustive work while on site and sharing of the event with the congregation upon returning home. The rewards for participants are priceless.

Deerfield Lutheran Church held a commissioning service for the “Mission 17 Guatemala Team” on March 19th. The team will be traveling to the Common Hope project site near Antigua leaving on Sunday, March 26th and returning on April 2nd. They will be working among the impoverished families in surrounding villages –building a home, assisting in schools, visiting families with their social workers, helping in the Common Hope clinic and other activities. They thank the Deerfield Lutheran Church family and the community who helped them prepare and raise funds for the mission during the past year. A special thanks to the youth and adults who served there in recent years and sponsored a Hunger Banquet in February to support the team and share information about the poverty in the area. A special thank you to Michelle Moe who was the Mission Team Coordinator.
Also, commissioned on March 19th was Micaela Schultz who will be leaving on March 24th for a two month “gap year experience” and mission in Tanzania. Micaela will be teaching English in a local school.
Savannah Vogel is leading a medical mission to Guatemala this summer through UWSMPH Guatemala Medical Mission !
Please offer financial support if you can!
Team members: Back Row: Mark Schmidt, Drew Wyss, Nicole Wyss, Jeff Quamme, Brooke Schmidt, Aryln Turnquist. Middle Row: Jodell Quamme, Carrie Anderson, Melissa Frame, Amy Matheson, Mary Turnquist. Front Row: Jane Holland, Lori Vogel, Irene Balasoiu, Reece Matheson.
Micaela Schultz

Micaela will share her African mission experience on August 13th at the 9:00 worship service.
YOUTH MISSION TRIPS 2000 - St Louis Gathering; 2001 - Chicago-Inner City; 2002 - Appalachian Mountain WV; 2003 - Atlanta Youth Gathering; 2004 - Blackfoot Indian Reservation MT; 2005 - Chicago-Humbolt Park; 20006 - Eastern Shore Virginia-Onancock; 2007 - Cass Lake Indian Reservation MN; 2008 - New Orleans; 2009 - Twin Cities Work Project; 2010 - Coastal NorthCarolina (Swan Quarters); 2012 - Twin Cities; 2015 - Chicago.
ADULT MISSION TEAMS 2003 - Guatemala (Antigua & Guatemala City areas); 2007 - Biloxi, Mississippi; 2014 - Guatemala -Brick by Brick; 2017 - Guatemala - Antigua.