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Women of the ELCA

Purpose: WELCA is a community of women created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit. We commit ourselves to grow in faith, affirm God's gifts, support one another in our callings, engage in ministry and action, and promote healing and wholeness in the church, the society and the world.

Bible Study Circles - all women are assigned to a Circle
Shawl Ministry

Serve Funerals

Altar Care

Special Fundraisers

Ice Cream Social 2017

The annual Ice Cream Social was held on June 21st at the Fireman's Park.  Homemade pies, baked beans, and potato salad along with BBQ or hot dogs finish off the meal

We are a community of ordinary folks joined in faith and empowered in worship to care for others by sharing Christ's love. Living in the grace of a loving Creator we seek to minister to our neighbors throughout our global village.



206 S. Main St.

 PO Box 45
Deerfield, WI  53531

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