What Does it Mean to Gather Virtually?
"Gathering Virtually" is a way to come together as a community using technology and at the same time to interact and be present with one another. "Gathering Virtually" is done through an online platform and can be incredibly meaningful and life-giving.
How Do We Gather Virtually?
We'll be using a service called Zoom. Zoom offers us the ability to: have multiple people participate in leading worship, interact with each other, share screens, record, and possibly even stream live on Facebook or Youtube in future weeks.
How Does Zoom Work?
Zoom is a video conference call program on the Internet. Depending on your computer, you will be able to hear and see the participants and they will be able to hear and see you. Your computer, smartphone, iPad, etc will have to have a microphone for you to be able to be heard by others and a camera for you to be seen by others. If you do not have access to a device that allows you to connect via video, you may listen by CALLING IN, please see your bulletin which was mailed or emailed to you for the number to call and meeting ID to enter.
If you do not already have a Zoom account you will need to sign up for one, it's FREE! Also, if you've never used Zoom on your device you will need to do so. Here is how to do it. Here is where you go to do both.
Click here to learn how to "Join a Zoom Meeting".
Click here to learn how to use Zoom Meeting Controls
Please use the link that was emailed to you to access Sunday Morning Worship or visit our Facebook Page to watch the Live Stream. You'll be able to log in at 8:30 am to have to time visit as a community, WORSHIP will begin at 9:00 am, and we will have time after service to visit with one another if people would like to stay logged in.
Worshipping at Home
While it's a bummer that we can't be together for a while we understand that we're doing this for the benefit and well-being of our entire community.
Benefits of Worshipping at Home:
Shorter Commute
You Get to Sleep Longer
You Can Wear Your Sunday Best OR Your PJ's
You can watch on your phone, tablet, iPad, Laptop, Desktop, or TV (as long as it's connected to your computer.)
You Can Worship From Your Favorite Comfy Spot
How to Make Your Virtual Worship Sacred:
Determine a space in your home where you will worship each week.
Bring a candle to light, participants will be given an opportunity to light their candles at home when the acolyte lights the candle for our service.
Bring a bowl of water to use when we remember our baptisms.