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Notes from Long Range Confirmation Planning Meeting 8/27/18 

Attendees: Jenn Brattlie, Jen Mathwig, Jen Lees, Matt Fleming, Jodi Fisher, Justin Hubbor, Jesi & Jim Haak, Breanne Drobac, Carrie Douglas (Pastor Larry was also in attendance)


Curriculum – Confirmation starts week of October 1st with 5th graders on 10/1 and 7th & 8th/9th graders on 10/3 

5th Grade – Bible Exploration and Understanding 

6th Grade – Lord’s Prayer 

7th Grade – 10 Commandments and Creed 

8th Grade – Alpha Course (exploring the Christian faith) 


Proposed Changes: 

1. Eliminate 9th grade classes and confirm students at end of 8th grade 

    1. 2. Move 5th grade to bi-weekly Monday evening classes (5:00) with Pastor for half hour length. a. Reason: we have seen a decline in 5th graders attending Sunday School due to various reasons 

    2. b. Format will help ease them in to confirmation 

    3. c. Two Modules stay the same October – Thanksgiving and January - Lent 

    4. d. Encourage participation in worship services with family – greeting, ushering etc. 

    5. e. Will continue to need their involvement in the Christmas program so practice on Sundays may be needed unless Jane is willing to meet with them on Mondays before or after class. 


    7. 3. 6th grade biweekly Monday evening classes (opposite weeks of 5th graders) (5:00) a. Lord’s Prayer focus will remain the same 

    8. b. Parents attend class with their child 

    9. c. Encourage participation in worship services with family – greeting, ushering etc. 

    10. d. Two Modules (instead of a full 7 months) October – Thanksgiving and January – Lent 


    12. 4. 7th grade weekly Wednesday evening classes (6:30-7:30) a. Commandments and Creed 

    13. b. Two Modules stay the same October – November and January – Lent 

    14. c. Require 15-20 hours of participation in church related activities (see examples) outside of worship attendance 

    15. d. Participation in KAIR activities encouraged (Breakfasts, FCA meetings, community service events etc.) 

    16. e. Attend Lenten services with family, encourage participation in skits 




5. Combined 8th and 9th grade (this year only) weekly Wednesday evening classes (7:30-8:30) a. Alpha program during first module (October – Thanksgiving) 

b. Second module w/assigned mentors – finish Alpha program, other mentor activities, work on faith statements 

c. Require 15-20 hours of participation in church related activities (see examples) outside of regular worship attendance 

d. Participation in KAIR activities encouraged (Breakfasts, FCA meetings, community service events etc.) 

e. Attend Lenten services with family, encourage participation in skits 


6. Changed KAIR group to 7th -12th grades – all kids at same school, similar activities, social aspect 

7. Forms will be given to kids to log their church related activities 

8. Jenn’s will look for an additional faith based retreat location for the 8th graders to attend during their final year of confirmation 


Remaining the same: 

1. 6th-8th graders continue to acoloyte – sign up using online 

2. Participation in CROP WALK – 10/7; 5th-8th graders will be asked to help fill necessary duties to make the walk a success, families are encouraged to walk – MORE TO COME. 

3. 5th graders should continue to participate in the Christmas Program 

4. Confirmation retreat 


Examples of church related activities that kids can participate in (this is by no means a complete list): 

- Worship related activities – acolyting, fellowship treats set up, Lenten skits 

- Helping with the Garden 

- Clean up days 

- Assisting with Sunday School classes, the Christmas Program, or VBS 

- Chicken & Biscuit dinner, 

- Helping outreach committee with activities 

- CROP walk set up 

- Souper Bowl Day of Caring activities 

- Singing in the Choir, or providing special music 


A complete calendar for the 2018-2019 confirmation year will be put together and sent out to families with kids 5th-9th grade. If you want to ensure you are on future communications regarding confirmation and KAIR activities please send an email to Jen Lees at

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